
Splanchnology: The Visceral Love of God (Philippians 1:3-8)

This is audio from our most recent hybrid Worship Gathering (8/15/21). The audio was recorded at our first Church Campout where we got to worship together outside! You can view the Order of Worship here.

If you’re in the Boston area, we invite you to join us in-person or online this Sunday at 4:30p. Visit our Sunday Gatherings page for more information.

Subscribe to our podcast via Apple Podcasts [coming soon], Stitcher, or Spotify.


BONUS: Introduction to Faith (&) Politics

Resurrection Church and its leaders will never tell you how to vote or who to vote for, but we want to provide venues and opportunities to think deeply about how faith and politics intersect and integrate. 

As Christians whose primary allegiance has been pledged to King Jesus, how do we navigate and engage the complex, chaotic landscape of politics faithfully and integrally? 

This October we are engaging a conversation about Faith (&) Politics, beginning with this introductory talk from our pastor. We will have a number of other themed conversations based on Compassion (&) Conviction: The AND Campaign’s Guide to Faithful Civic Engagement. Listen to this audio, read the book, and join the conversation!

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